
Feeling my faith swirl the drain

I'm becoming convinced that Facebook is out to be the death of me. Someone really needs to get on the ad department about using some better sense with a profile that clearly belongs to a grieving parent. Like the constant ad for a personalized children's book where they use the name "Lucy" to try and get me to click. Cruel. Or the suggestions for articles that just feel like a spear to the side. It seems to be a common theme, or maybe I am just more acutely aware of it- miracles, guardian angels, faith, blah blah blah. A man crushed between two cars- his guardian angel was with him.... teenage girl in a crash, no chance of survival but they prayed. Oh, they prayed.  And God sent a miracle! I get that these things literally have nothing to do with Goose's case, but to parents who prayed and had people praying around the world, constantly, it feels like a direct jab at my faith. I must not have been pure enough of soul for mine to matter. I don't read my Bible daily, or evangelize to every person walking by, so I haven't logged enough points to earn a miracle. Her guardian angel must have been out partying,  dropping the ball, something because my god did they fail. And it makes me mad at God. It makes me wonder why I've spent my life believing that if I just have faith and trust Him, He will always provide. Because taking my baby girl from me. That doesn't feel like providing. That feels like having the door slammed in my face. And it's left me wondering why even bother. I can only hope that Goose is truly resting in a place as beautiful as Heaven has always been described. But right now, I'm not ready to believe that there was a greater divine purpose here.
Because no post is complete without this angelic face.