Two years ago...
Today, my Goose would have been celebrating two years of being cancer free.
I remember it all as crystal clear as the day it happened. The news being delivered unenthusiastically by our doctor--unaware that we had not yet been informed. The pure relief and joy that surged through my soul knowing we finally had a victory--- a solid, hard-fought victory under our belts.
The weeks of struggle and frustration, the hours of desperate prayer and cries for mercy, it had all finally brought us a win.
Our princess, despite everyone's doubts, had not only achieved remission but she had done so with the drugs that were only used in hope that things would not get worse. The chemo that shouldn't have done it- did it.
There would be no more talks of palliative care, she had taken what was supposed to have been the hardest battle and kicked it's ass.
No where in our minds could we have ever foreseen that this victory, this battle against cancer, wasn't going to be the hardest.
Despite everything the last 12 weeks had tried to throw at her, how hard she fought to trudge out of the valley we would only get 6 weeks to celebrate on that mountain top before being plunged into an even deeper valley. An even deeper hell.
We had only 74 days to believe that cancer was the biggest enemy, and that she had defeated it... 74 days from the summer's greatest victory to the worst day of our lives.
But my baby, she was nothing shy of a victorious warrior. Because she not only took out cancer, but she did with dignity and grace.
Maybe not always a smile on her face, but she was 100% true to herself.
So today I remember not only how short life truly is, and how quickly mountaintops can avalanche, but the beautiful and inspiring person that my Goose was.